Tailored and practical AI workshops and consultancy

Focusing on AI innovation within the Culture and Heritage sector

“This was one of the most engaging and informative workshops I've attended for some time. There was a perfect mix of interactivity and learning, as well as the opportunity for open discussion and trying things out ourselves. [...] Jo was the perfect host and I could easily have spent more time learning about AI.”

Jess, Digital Officer at Shakespeare's Globe

“Jo presented a calm, expert and emotionally nuanced take on AI, which highlighted the importance of play and trying tools out. This really helped break down people's uncertainty around AI and the session left everyone with a practical and theoretical knowledge that they can take into their roles in the future.”

Mike Keating, Associate Director, Digital Experience at Art Fund

“Fantastic introduction to AI, pitched perfectly for someone who has only heard the headlines. I felt inspired to give it a try. Very balanced arguments, enjoyed the honest straightforward style and the lack of jargon.”

Heritage Pulse (National Lottery Heritage Fund) member

Getting you ready for your AI journey.

Hi! I’m Jo (she/her). I'm an independent trainer, speaker and facilitator, guiding organisations and creatives to confidently explore AI tools and mindset.

With 10+ years of arts marketing experience, and having held roles at various National Portfolio Organisations, I understand the pressures and constraints facing the UK Culture, Creative and Heritage sector today.

I aim to give organisations an entry-point into their AI journey, and then continue to assist them in developing applications, regulations and innovations. My goal is to empower professionals to shape how these technologies develop within their organisations and the wider sector.

What I offer.

I run training sessions for individuals and organisations of all sizes, tailored to their specific AI interests and technical confidence. These can be delivered in-person, online, or as a hybrid.

Working with your team, we might explore AI concepts and theory, how to build a productive mindset for your learning journey, AI and creativity, using AI to work with data and communications, and how to keep track of the evolving technology in a safe, sustainable and ethical way. The exact content of each workshop will always depend on your individual circumstances.

These sessions are not intended to be direct tutorials. Instead, they work to introduce concepts, frameworks for evaluation, discussions, and to promote self-learning and experimentation which will be unique to every person and organisation.

I also run specialised workshops for senior management to help explore and define values and policy around AI tools, relaxed sessions for larger organisations looking to encourage their teams to begin exploring AI with a creative mindset, and one-on-one sessions with individuals who’d appreciate having a more personalised AI session to further their learning and confidence.

I do not champion AI as a solution to every problem. Instead, I aim to take a neutral position and encourage AI literacy and technical confidence as a valuable end in itself.

Learn more about some of my perspectives on AI in this article for Arts Professional, or this article for Mobius Industries.

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d love to hear from you! Just email me on jocelyn@aiforculture.com and I’ll be back in touch soon.